Clients come to me from every imaginable sector, right across all levels of business and government.
My clients and their projects include:
- The Royal Women's Hospital (Victoria): wrote the annual Quality of Care Report, key CEO speeches, web copy and newsletter articles.
- The Victorian Department of Health: wrote/edited the inaugural 2014 64-page Seniors Card Magazine, sent to more than 1 million households.
- Small Business Victoria, Department of State Development, Business & Innovation: project managed the annual Faces of Small Business photographic exhibition every year since 1995.
- The City of Port Phillip: edited key planning documents, wrote media releases/profiles and speeches for the Business Excellence Awards.
- The Brotherhood of St Laurence: wrote web copy, speeches and brochure copy across the organisation.
- Sustainability Victoria: since 2013, project managed communications (including web, flagship magazine, speeches and media materials) for the annual Premier's Sustainability Awards.
- The Rural Workforce Agency of Victoria: worked on the annual Rural Doctors' Awards program – wrote copy for commemorative book, wrote/edited web copy, wrote AV scripting – and wrote/edited the Annual Report.
- Bond University: have written the Annual Report every year since 2009.
- Knox City Council: wrote business case studies for use on web and in printed newsletter.
- Samsung Communications: wrote client case studies for use on web, in media and marketing collateral.
- The Woolmark Company: managed events (including AGMs), wrote speeches for the Chairman and CEO, wrote media releases and conducted media briefings/liaison, wrote web copy and managed wide-ranging comms projects.
- Australian Medicare Local Alliance: wrote the inaugural Annual Report.
- Medibank Private (Health Solutions): wrote media releases, web copy and key presentations.
- The Victorian Managed Insurance Agency: wrote media releases and editorials, wrote/edited flagship publications and web copy.
- RACV: wrote media releases and editorials, conducted media liaison, wrote key speeches/presentations and managed events.